About Dawn Stebbing - Dawn Stebbing - Relationship Based Selling
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About Dawn Stebbing

Dawn Stebbing founded her company, Relationship Based-Selling out of a passion for helping individuals reset and define their unique value based around authentic conversations, increased sales confidence, and loyal customer relationships. She supports entrepreneurs, business owners and sales teams who want to dramatically increase sales with an approachable and polished presence that easily makes for better and lasting connections.

Dawn applies a non-judgmental sales coaching approach and serves as a “second pair of eyes and ears,” guiding individuals toward powerful relationship sales, communication, behavior, and appearance-related actions to achieve their goals.

She supports her clients with the right sales skills, resources, and personal guidance they need to form ongoing sales accountability and goal-oriented action steps. She has the unique ability to support others at critical points in their sales careers with her extensive relationship sales experience, certified image consultant background, and experience as a licensed cosmetologist.

Dawn is a successful entrepreneur with a deep understanding of human behavior gained through her own professional transitions. She is the author of “The Power is in the Pearl” and Co-author of four anthology books that help build a leadership presence for all individuals in sales.

Dawn’s Extensive Sales Experience

Dawn Stebbing started her extensive sales career with her first direct sales company when she was just 21 years old. She built her first successful sales team and earned her first bonus car in less than 12 months.

Dawn continued to expand her sales opportunities with another direct sales company in the skin care industry. This opportunity led her to develop another successful sales team, as she moved up two levels to VP status in just four short months. This lead her to earn another huge car bonus, this time, a Mercedes.

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