Coaching - Dawn Stebbing - Relationship Based Selling
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Personalized Sales Coaching

by Dawn Stebbing

Relationship Based Sales Jumpstart

30 Day Personalized Coaching Program

Turn prospect chasing into an effective sales process in just 30 days by jumpstarting your sales success. In this very personalized 1:1 program, you will learn how to identify and target your ideal customer, overcome prospect objections, build trust quickly, and gain active listening skills to ensure an enthusiastic “Yes” from potential clients.

30 Day Jumpstart Sales Program Includes:

Elevate Your Image to Boost Your Sales

45 Day Transformational Coaching Program

Improve your personal and professional image in just 45 days with this transformational 1:1 confidence building program. Discover what your image says about you and your business at first glance. Learn how to quickly elevate your personal and professional brand to instantly make stronger connections. This personalized program equips you with the knowledge and skills to project a cohesive, authentic, and memorable image that significantly affects your sales opportunities.

45 Day Personal Transformational Program Includes:

Relationship Selling For Business Growth

3 Month Coaching Program

Create a focused and efficient path to your sales success in this very personalized 3 month coaching program. Enhance your selling process by developing stronger connections with new prospects instantly. Boost your sales and income by building a loyal customer base of raving fans. This very personalized program will instantly boost your sales confidence. You will learn how to enjoy the sales process with authentic relationship building sales skills that are proven to work.

3 Month Relationship Selling Program Includes:

Relationship Based Sales Mastery

6 Month Coaching Program

This extended personalized program is designed to empower you with a comprehensive skillset for successful sales. Gain the focus on your ideal target market, communication and listening skills, and the knowledge to excel in your sales journey for long-term success. This very personalized sales mastery program will dramatically improve your sales confidence in any sales situation. Consistently increase your sales and income with in person, group, and online sales opportunities.

6 Month Relationship Based Sales Mastery Includes:

Apply for a Complimentary 30 Minute Sales Strategy Call with Dawn Today

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