Speaking - Dawn Stebbing - Relationship Based Selling
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Relationship Based Selling: How to Build a Loyal Following with Authentic Conversations That Close More Sales Consistently with Ease

In this transformative presentation you will learn how to instantly build trust and loyalty to create quicker buying decisions with prospects. Discover how to build your sales confidence and improve your communication and listening skills to dramatically increase your sales opportunities.

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How to Develop High Value, Loyal Customers and Create Raving Fans For Your Business

In this insightful presentation you will learn how to stop chasing down the wrong prospects, or trying to sell to everyone. Discover how to find and sell to your ideal target market and cut the overall buying process in half. And uncover a more authentic and easy approach to keeping your best customers for life by developing raving fans of your business, service and/or products.

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The Power of Perception: How Image Influences Your Sales Success

During this engaging presentation you will discover the power of both your personal and professional image. Learn how the power of perception can have a significant impact on your ability to relate to prospects quickly, close more deals, and build lasting relationships. Unlock the secrets of harnessing your personal power to elevate your sales game and achieve unprecedented success in the competitive world of sales.

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Speaker Bio and Introduction for Dawn Stebbing

Dawn Stebbing raises the bar for entrepreneurs, small business owners and women in direct sales by teaching them how to create relationship based selling strategies that are proven to work.

She teaches improved communication and listening skills to build sales confidence along with leadership skills to build successful sales teams.

As a relationship based sales coach and certified image consultant, Dawn pairs her extensive sales experience and leadership experience with a unique understanding of human behavior … which she gained through formal training and 40 years of direct sales experience.

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